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Simple Exercises That You Can Do At Home (Part 4)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Push Up
Who says the sport is taken time and can only be done in special places ?. Weel, you can do exercises everywhere if you want have a healthy body. Now I give you some simple exercises that you can try. Hopefully could inspire you !. (Part 4)
4. Push Up, Sit Up, And Pull Up
Surely you already know by following these four simple sport, yup, even though this simple but very useful exercise to increase your stamina.
A. Push Up
Push Up is exercise body or entity holding the hand, this exercise strengthens muscles in your arms and arm strength.

Pull Up
B. Pull Up
Pull Up is body weight lifting exercise, so you hang the body on one thing and lift the body up and down. This exercise trains a good arm strength for the formation of the arm muscles.

Sit Up
C. Sit Up
Sit Up is exercise a greater emphasis on the muscle that serves to strengthen the body and forms the central part of the abdominal muscles become good. 
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